
association of earth science editors معنى

  • رابطة رؤساء التحرير الخاص بالعلوم الأرضية
  • association    n. جمعية, مجالسة, ...
  • of    prep. من, بشأن, بس ...
  • earth    n. اليابسة, تراب, ...
  • earth science    علوم الأرض
  • science    n. علم الطبيعة, عل ...
  • editors    المحرّرون

كلمات ذات صلة

  1. association of controllers of the andean pact معنى
  2. association of demobilized personnel of the armed forces of el salvador معنى
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  4. association of development financing institutions in asia and the pacific معنى
  5. association of development research and training institutes of asia and the pacific معنى
  6. association of educational psychologists معنى
  7. association of environmental lawyers of liberia معنى
  8. association of european airlines معنى
  9. association of european chambers of commerce and industry معنى
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